Wait, there’s choice involved? Of course not! We travel where circumstances lead us or any place we can set up a home exchange. We’re not picky!
New York Times bestselling author AK Turner kicks off the Vagabonding with Kids series with a free podcast version of the book. Hilarious adventure blends with tips (often learned the hard way) on extended travel with children. Perfect for digital nomads and lifestyle entrepreneurs.
Travel fosters compassion, gratitude, perspective, adaptability, and a sense of wonder, all good arguments for getting yourself and your children out into the world.
New York Times bestselling author AK Turner kicks off the Vagabonding with Kids series with a free podcast version of the book. Hilarious adventure blends with tips (often learned the hard way) on extended travel with children. Perfect for digital nomads and lifestyle entrepreneurs.
Chapter 18 – Mourning the Loss of Personal Space: Nothing is sacred with a family crammed in tight quarters, but focusing on the benefits (ie, how you’re less likely to lose a child if she’s constantly in your face) makes it all worthwhile.
New York Times bestselling author AK Turner kicks off the Vagabonding with Kids series with a free podcast version of the book. Hilarious adventure blends with tips (often learned the hard way) on extended travel with children. Perfect for digital nomads and lifestyle entrepreneurs.